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CFC Leadership Transition Announcement
Dear Friends,
After leading more than four years of growth at the Cascade Forest Conservancy (CFC), I will soon take on a new role at Social Venture Partners Portland, a local nonprofit that builds the capacity of other nonprofits by investing human, social, and financial capital. In February, CFC will begin a hiring process to find a new executive director, and I will remain highly involved throughout the transition.
When I joined the Gifford Pinchot Task Force in 2014, I became part of a growing movement to conserve the beautiful and unique resources of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. We set off to create a new strategic plan based on science and focused on addressing climate change, watershed health, and connecting people to nature. We developed a new name and brand for our group, and people responded. Today we are the Cascade Forest Conservancy, with more than 12,000 members and volunteers. Since 2014, our organization has doubled in size, and we have a solid team of professionals on our staff and board. We have launched bold new conservation programs and established new standards for sustainable timber management, water quality, and wildlife health.
Thank you for your help in making all this possible. It has been an honor to work with you and the CFC team. Please continue to support us as we approach this next stage of growth for Cascade Forest Conservancy!
Matt Little
A note from CFC’s Board of Directors:
On behalf of the board of the Cascade Forest Conservancy, we want to thank Matt for his great success in taking our organization to new heights and helping us to bring in so many new members, donors, and volunteers like you. We are sad to see Matt go, but know that his talents and heart for service will be used for the greater good in the region. We wish him all the best.
Matt will continue to stay involved with day-to-day operations at CFC as Executive Director while the Board of Directors initiates a nationwide search for his replacement. Matt has graciously agreed to play a dual role for SVP and CFC during this transition period, and will work closely with the new hire to provide training and a smooth handoff of responsibilities.
Be assured that all CFC programs will continue to operate and grow as planned in our strategic plan (available online at https://cascadeforest.org/
We appreciate your continued support of CFC as we implement our mission to “protect and sustain forests, streams, wildlife, and communities in the heart of the Cascades through conservation, education, and advocacy.”
Thank you!
John Miller, Board Chair[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator type=”normal” color=”#444444″ thickness=”3″][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
Protecting Mount St Helens
To learn more about our work to protect the Pumice Plain, read this blog: https://cascadeforest.
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2019 Trip Update!
Learn more about our citizen science program here: https://cascadeforest.

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Join the CFC Canvass!
CFC is still looking for dedicated, outgoing canvassers to join their Portland-based team! If you love CFC, and making a difference, why not join us? Evening shifts available. To learn more, read the full job description here: https://cascadeforest.